Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You Are Not Alone

Today I spoke with a girl friend that I have known for more years than I can shake a stick at. The conversatioin began with sleep issues, neither of us are sleeping well,and eventually got around to Menopause
Surprisingly we began to share tiny bits about how we were being viewed and treated by our kids and families.There was a common thread that bound us. It was the realization that it isn't us that have become unreasonable, quite the contrary. We in fact are for the first time in our lives putting ourselves first every once in a while.
Hot flashes, crows feet  and lack of sleep will do that to you. Make you not afraid to say " No" to people and take up for yourself. This however is the source of constant eye rolls by the kids and spouce.

Well, I do believe it is time we "grew a set" and said boldly "It is not us. It is them and we have had about enough." even if it is just here on this blog.

How many times did we sacrifice and do without so that they could have. We  keep our mouths closed for fear of losing relationships or rocking the boat.
 Case in point to get the conversation started, my friend  spoke of how many  birthdays and holidays she lavish gifts on family only to receive a card when ours rolls around.
The times she would order a fry and coke at a drive through only to find the $20 in her purse was take by her  son or husband, leaving her to apologize. ( this was way back before debit cards, we actually used cash, remember?)

Well, I began to remember. It was as if a floodgate of surpressed memories tumbled out one on top of the next. Things we had been to afraid to admit to anybody were shared.  It was them we decided to in her words, " We have got to blog this sh*t." We came up with a title DAMM for short and here we are.

Much like the veleteen rabbit, worn and frazzled, we are becoming "Real".

This blog was stared today as our way of  sharing our stories and hearing yours. So if you can relate post something back and we will see where this takes us day by day.